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A long time and a lot of money.

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Q: What would it take for humans to colonize Saturn?
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Have Saturn been visited?

Humans have not yet explored the planet Saturn, aside from sending a few probes to it. It would take decades to reach Saturn with modern technology, making sending an astronaut team there impractical.

Why would you take plants to mars?

If you could take plants to Mars without them dying, it would help making Mars a planet that can support an ecosystem. Plants produce Oxygen which is crucial for animal survival (this includes humans, too, because technically humans are a type of animal). If Mars could successfully support an ecosystem, we could colonize it, which would help resolve issues with overpopulation.

How long would it take to go to Saturn in a bus?

Assuming the bus travels at 65 MPH, it would take you approximately 1,441 years to reach Saturn.

What modification need to take place for humans to be able to live on Saturn?

You can't. It's a gas planet

Will it take more than an average person's lifetime to get to Saturn?

No, but it will take years to get there. For example, Cassini-Huygens was launched in 1997 and arrived in 2004. That mission took seven years. Humans, of course, would want to return to earth, which would double that.

How long would it take to drive a car to the planet Saturn?

i am not sure we can go to Saturn by a car and a car cant leave the ground.but i think it will take 1645 years to get to Saturn by a car.

How would earth change if there was no Saturn?

it would not change the living condition but the sky would be a different colour sky, and when you take out your telescope you won't see Saturn.

How many days would it take to get to from Uranus to Saturn.?

160 days

How many earth's would it take to fill up Saturn?


Is Saturn fourth planet from the sun?

No, take it this way, Saturn is the 6th Planet in the Solar System, would leave you off to: Saturn is not the 4th Planet from the Sun, it is Mars that is.

Could someone go to Saturn?

Yes, the technology exists for someone to travel to Saturn, but the journey would take many years.

How long would it take to travel to Saturn in a car if you left on Tues 24th March 2009?

You would arrive on Saturn in December 26th 3224!! 1286 yrs