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Like a mix between a platypus and a balooga whale and holds slight resemblance to my Ex

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Q: What would life be like on planet Saturn?
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What would happen if Planet Saturn was a inner planet?

A large gas planet like Saturn would probably not last as an inner planet - the sun would probably pull Saturn into it and destroy it.

Is the planet Saturn solid like earth?

No. Saturn is a gas planet.

What will you see when you get to Saturn?

You would see aliens gases because Saturn is a gas planet like Uranus.

Which planet would you like to orbit and why?

i would like to orbit Saturn because are the rings on it like are they shinny or are they seethrew

Is it possible that earth like life for ms may exist on Saturn?

It is extremely unlikely for life to exist.

What is the weather like on planet Saturn?


What is landscape like on Saturn?

There is no landscape, Saturn is a gas planet with no solid surface.

What does life look like on Saturn?

at the present, we do not know if there is life on other planets or what it would look like if there was

Why is mars called at terrestrial planet if there no life for it to be called a terrestrial planet?

terrestrial planet doesn't mean it has life, it just means its made of rocks (like mercury, venus, earth- the other terrestrial planets) and not gas (like jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune.)

What planet has rings that look like a disc?


What planets orbit Saturn?

No planet orbits around Saturn because planets only orbit around a star like our Sun. And Saturn isn't a star, it's a planet.

What is the atmosphere in the planet Saturn like?

like u eat pickles