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When oxygen is not available. "anaerobic" means "without oxygen ("aerobic" = oxygen).

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Q: What would make and an organism perform anaerobic respiration?
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Is alcoholic fermentation aerobic?

Yes. In more complex organism, in which aerobic respiration is the main process to make ATP, when your body does have enough oxygen it goes though anaerobic respiration. In simpler organisms, which don't require much ATP, anaerobic would be the main process.

What would happen if we did not have anaerobic respiration?

Nothing! as we are aerobes and need oxygen for respiration.

Why do erythrocytes only perform anaerobic respiration?

Erythrocytes (red blood cells) have no cellular organelles - they have pushed all of them out to make more room for hemoglobin to carry oxygen. Therefore, the RBC must rely on anaerobic respiration for its energy needs because it gave up the mitochondria that would have performed aerobic respiration.

Would archeabacteria be able to carry out cellular respiration?

anaerobic bacteria

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What would indicate that the respiration reactions occurring are anaerobic?

Ethanol is produced

Which of these would indicate that the respiration reactions occurring are anaerobic?

Ethanol is produced.

Did aerobic repsiration evolve before anaerobic respiration?

Aerobic means with oxygen Anaerobic means without. So, anaerobic would have to come first.

Why would you not expect to find mitochondria in anaerobic organisms?

Because mitochondria are used for oxidative phosphorylation, which doesn't occur in anaerobic respiration

How does this amount of energy compare to that obtained by anaerobic organism?

if you mean the difference between aerobic to anaerobic respiration then i would say that anaerobic respiration releases about 2 ATP for every glucose molecule with the byproducts being ethanol and carbon dioxide. But in an aerobic organism the cells convert glucose (in the presence of Oxygen) to pyruvate releasing 2 ATP and then converting it to Carbon dioxide and Water releasing 36 ATP. Bringing it to a total on 38 ATP (Whew!!). Which is quite a lot compared to 2 ATP. Answered By XCESS (unosivulu)

Is an anaerobic bacterium an organism that will carry out cellular respiration?

Yes, in a sense Cellular respiration is just another term for METABOLISM - The Process of Life. Metabolism will use either of the Respiratory Processes - aerobic or anaerobic {with or without Oxygen} - to make the mandatory energy molecule Atp. Photosynthesis is an aerobic way to provide energy, and Chemosynthesis is the anaerobic way - using, say H2S as the electron donor {instead of say CH4} to produce energy [via the production of Atp] to provide Glucose for Respiration. [It would appear that bacteria at deep-sea-thermal-vents use sulfur to make glucose for Standard Respiration].

What type of respiration would tetanus bacteria use?

tetanus bacteria would pee and breath in a synchronized pattern!