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To Be Honest To The Extent Of My Knowlegde they didnt do anything because there were so many mixed scents from so many and so many trails they didnt put anything because they would all mix so im not sure if they put anything at all.

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Q: What would slaves sprinkle on the ground to cover their scent?
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wild cats scent their prey with smell or vibrations on the ground

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The cat's natural instinct is to cover up their scent. In the wilds of nature, they would be safer in covering up their scent so other animals cannot detect them.

What did slave catchers use to catch slaves?

Bloodhounds were commonly used to pick up the scent of slaves and to track them down. Slave owners somtimes hired mercenaries or Bounty Hunters to retreive slaves.

How do you cover up a dogs poop scent in the house?

try febreeze or just CLEAN IT

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To cover their natural scent which lures off predators.

Why do some animals eat feces?

To cover up their own scent or to remove the scent of other animals.

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slaves escaped any way they could, most crossed the Missouri river to lose their scent from the master's dogs. Didn't you pay attention in 5th grade.

Why are air dogs better than ground dogs when finding survivors at large disaster sites?

An air dog will pick up the scent of a person from molecules in the air that may have escaped from wherever the person is trapped. A ground dog picks up a scent from molecules on the ground and if the person did not touch that area, the dog may miss it.

Do all dogs scratch at the ground after they poop?

Yes they do hey spread there scent. This is a normal dog behavior.

How do you stop a dog from scratching on the grass after they go potty?

Take them to an area with no grass. That is a natural behavior, they are trying to cover up the scent so that other animals will not hunt them down using the scent.