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If philosophers did not establish institutions to teach their philosophies, the ideas may not have spread as widely and influenced future generations. Institutions provide a platform for intellectual exchange, debate, and preservation of ideas, which helps ensure their continued relevance and impact on society. Without these institutions, the development and dissemination of these philosophies may have been slower or more limited.

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Q: What would that impact have been if these philosophers did not established institutions that taught these philosophies?
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How did SPA philosophers attempt to understand humans?

SPA philosophers attempted to understand humans by studying the individual's relationship with societal institutions, such as government and law. They focused on identifying ways in which these institutions could shape human behavior and beliefs, aiming to uncover the underlying structures and power dynamics that influenced human thought and actions. By examining the impact of these social forces on individuals, SPA philosophers sought to gain insight into the essence of human nature and the sources of human suffering and liberation.

Why is Plato important?

Plato is important because he was one of the most influential ancient Greek philosophers, and his works laid the foundation for Western philosophy. His writings explored topics ranging from ethics to politics to metaphysics, and his ideas have had a profound impact on the development of philosophical thought throughout history. He also founded the Academy in Athens, which was one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in the Western world.

What was the impact of the enlightenment on the European society?

The Enlightenment had a significant impact on European society by promoting reason, individualism, and skepticism of traditional authority. It led to advancements in science, philosophy, and political thought, influencing the rise of democracy and the questioning of established institutions like the church and monarchy. It also contributed to the spread of ideas of tolerance, human rights, and freedom of speech.

What were Aristotle's contributions?

Aristotle's contributions were vast and influential in many fields, including philosophy, science, and ethics. He is known for his works in logic, metaphysics, natural science, politics, and ethics. Aristotle's philosophies laid the foundation for Western thought and had a profound impact on fields of knowledge for centuries.

What philosophies of punishment would be most likely to allow victim-impact statements?

Retributive and restorative philosophies of punishment are most likely to allow victim-impact statements. Retributive justice seeks to balance the harm caused by the offender with a punishment that fits the crime, which can include input from the victim. Restorative justice focuses on repairing harm and often involves victims sharing their experiences and needs to inform the sentencing process.

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What is the impact of humanism?

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How does litmus test impact selection of judges?

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What impact did colonial governments have on American politics and institutions?

i don't know ask somebody else

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