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Q: What would the US be like without the freedom of press?
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Should the public support freedom of the press?

Well of course....without this freedom no one could express any opinion in the press, on the internet, on radio, or television. It would completely change every media outlet, including this website and all like it. This is a freedon we must fight to keep. An example of loss of this freedom is North Korea. A country of entire robots in a police state, with no voice for the people..

What freedoms does the first admendment protect?

the first amendment protects the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of petition, and the right to assemble. the first amendment protects the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of petition, and the right to assemble.

What are the three rights guaranteed in the bill of rights?

There are 5 freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.The Freedom of SpeechThe Freedom of PressThe Freedom of AssemblyThe Freedom of PetitionThe Freedom of Religion

What is life like without freedom?

life without freedom is nothing.Well, we should fight non-violencely against it.

Is freedom of press same as freedom of speech?

No, they aren't the same. Freedom of Speech is allowing you to say whatever you like, and generally what you want to say. Freedom of Press is your right to the media. Anyone (if you had the means) has the right to be on T.V., or to show what you want on T.v.

Why is air strike footage like an ac-130 killcam allowed to be shown to the public?

It is shown to the public because of freedom of the press. If such things were censored there would be a public outcry.

What is the meaning of Freedom and prosperity are twins?

I guess it would be because Freedom and Prosperity come hand in hand, like twins, they are almost inseparable, and without Freedom, Prosperity would almost be impossible. However, in relation to United States History, I don't believe I have any relevant knowledge of that.

What are different types of freedom?

Economic Freedom - The freedom to make contracts, to buy and sell, the freedom to work for whom you choose, the freedom to keep your money once you have earned it. Religious Freedom - The freedom to worship (or not) as you choose without government restriction. Freedom of Movement - The right to go where you choose when you choose within your country, without government interference. Self Defense - The freedom to defend yourself, your family and your property from theft and violence. Political Freedom - This could be either a freedom from government, or the freedom to have a say in who is in charge. Personal Freedom - The freedom to choose how you will live your life, so long as you are not injuring somebody else when you do so. Under this, i would include things like the right to decide how much salt or trans fat you would like to eat, what drugs to take, etc.

What does the first amendment of the bill of rights include?

The freedom of the press. The freedom to peaceably assemble. The freedom to petition for redress of greivences. The freedom of speech. The freedom to practice whatever religion that you choose. It also prevents the formation of a national church (like the Church of England).

What do you think of when you think of America?

Many Americans think of symbols like the flag, the White House, and the Statue of Liberty. People also think of such American values as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.

What would the tattoo of freedom in Arabic look like?

freedom = "horrya/horria" حرية

Why is freedom of speech so important to a democratic system?

The freedom to express opinions is needed in a democratic government so the government can be brought to task on wrongdoing and so people can protest the things that need change. Without the free press and investigative reporters events like Watergate would have gone unnoticed. Speech is much more than the spoken or written word. It can also be actions like burning the flag or to carry a sign in protest. There are limits to the freedom of speech as well. An example is you can't yell "fire" in a public place because unless there is a fire people could panic causing injury to others. The right of speech and freedom of the press are very important rights for a democratic society.