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This is Carbon-12 (12C) it has a mass of exactly 12 universal Atomic Mass units. It serves as the standard for the universal atomic mass scale.

If you look up carbon on the Periodic Table, you will find that it says 12.011. This difference is because a small amount of carbon has a seventh neutron, which is averaged into the atomic weight given on a periodic table.

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This is an radioisotope of carbon - 14C.

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Q: What would the mass of an atom with 6 protons 6neutrons and 6 electrons be?
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A neutral atom with 12 protons will have 12 electrons in order to balance the positive charge from the protons.

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So the atom is neutral, if an atom had more protons than electrons, then the atom would have a positive charge, and if it had more electrons, then it would have a negative charge,if atoms had a charge, we would get shocked every time we touch something

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A neutral atom has an equal number of protons and electrons. Therefore, in an element with an atomic number of 30 (such as zinc), the atom would have 30 protons and 30 electrons.

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In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons. So, in an atom with three protons, it would contain three electrons. The number of neutrons does not affect the charge or number of electrons in the atom.

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Electrons carry a negative charge and protons carry a positive charge. Therefore, if an atom is to be neutral it must have equal numbers of protons and neutrons. Consequently, if an atom has 19 protons and is neutral it must have 19 electrons.

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The number of protons can not be changed in an atom, while the number of electrons can be.

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