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Q: What would the value be for The Crusade Adventures from Our Catholic Heritage written b y Maryknoll Sisters 1956 issues 1-25?
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Was Richard the Lionheart a Catholic?

Yes, he was a Catholic and the leader of the 3rd Crusade

Can someone give me some information about the Crusade of Catholic Spain?

No No

What is crusade religion?

Everyone in this time was Catholic. The Catholic Church sponsored and promoted the crusades along with various kings.

Who called for Christian Crusade?

There were several crusades, they were called for and instigated by the catholic church.

Head of Roman Catholic Church starting First Crusade?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe first - and only successful - Crusade was carried out under Pope Urban II's watch, please see the Wikipedia article below:

Who was the salidin?

Richard the lionhearted was the leader of the catholic Army during the third crusade and Saladin was his opponent. Saladin was the leader of the Islamic side of the third crusade.

What advanced civilization excisted around the world at the first crusade?

the roman, catholic, and byzantine empires

What is a Crusade?

A Crusade is a call to arms to reclaim Jerusalem from the infidels(muslims). In the First Crusade the pope declared that if Christians should take up the cross then God will grant them access into Heaven. In other words (if you're not a Catholic or Muslim), a holy war.

Who were Saladin and King Richard?

Richard the Lionheart was the leader of the Catholic army during the crusade of kings. He is named "The Lionheart" because he was the only king to complete his crusade during the Crusade of kings (neither the king of France, or the king of Germany finished). Saladin was his opposition.

Why was the first crusade important?

To some people it does not matter. But for Catholic people, this was a major event. The first crusade conquered Jerusalem. Jerusalem is said to be where Jesus died and then resuscitated. The four nobles that led the crusade then killed all people in the city and the survivors were sold into slavery.

Where did the show Chrono Crusade originate?

The Chrono Crusade is a manga series originating in Japan. It is written and illustrated by Daisuke Moriyama. Set in New York City in the 1920s, it follows the adventures of Rosette Christopher and her demon partner Chrono.

In the crusade the roman catholic encouraged its members to retake the holy land form what group?

They fought with the Saracens, Eygyptians, Sejulks, and basically everyone who wasn't christian or roman catholic.