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Q: What would you call a person that cut them self?
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What do you call a person who cuts them-self?

most people would call them emo's but really they just have a problem most are afraid of loosing control of their life so they cut because it over whelms them but the correct answer for this would be a Philafeamyaphobic any more questions :)

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no why would she cut her self

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Yes "this person" would look good with would you would call a "short bob".

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they can cut them - self or u can get hurt

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yes, ther is a speacial way to cut your self...if your going to cut your self then try not to hit a major van....

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batman because he is kinda of a dark person but robin seem like a happy kid so yea batman in this is coming from a emo boy

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to make tattoos they would cut them self and put ash in them and wait for them to heal and it would be permanent

What are facts about Wichita Indians?

to make tattoos they would cut them self and put ash in them and wait for them to heal and it would be permanent

What do you think happens to a person with hemophilia who has a minor cut?

They would bleed. If it's a minor cut they would bleed more slowly, but they would keep bleeding.

What do you call someone that cuts himself?

Self mutilation is the medical term for the act. Terms used to refer to the person are "self-mutilator", "self-harmer," or "self-injurer". A slang term often heard is "cutter" or a person who "cuts". But the person should not be defined by the act. Those terms to refer to the person are used less often than the term to describe the act itself. It is a symptom of an underlying problem that is causing distress.

What do you do if you cut your self?

i would go to theraphy because you shouldn't hurt you. It's dangerous. get help asap!