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You would call him a god

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Q: What would you call a son of an Olympian and a god in Greek mythology?
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What was the lesson greek mythology?

There was no lesson; what we call Greek mythology was the Ancient Greek's religion.

What do you call followers of Greek mythology?

Greek Pagans. Since i am one, i call the whole religion "Greek Reality"

What is the mythology behind the constellation chamaeleon?

The Greek gods thought the shape of what they call the constellation would help some of the Greek towns people so yeah!

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The four horsemen are actually part of the Apokalypse of John, also call the Book of Revelation. It has nothing to do with Greek mythology.

Does the great greek mythology exist?

Yes it does, i call it greek Reality, i believe in it, and many others do too

What is the difference between greek mythology and other mythology?

What we today call Greek Mythology came from the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean. Most other mythology comes to us from cultures who did not record their religion nearly so long or detailed a way.

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Helius literally means "the Sun" in Greek

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What did they call the creatures that lived inside trees in greek mythology?

I am pretty sure they were called nymphs.

What is the origin of the name sun?

The sun came from saun but English call it sun

Who believes in the greek gods today?

They call themselves Neopagans, though they usually follow Norse mythology more often than Greek.

What does mythology say about tricksters?

Mythology said that when tricksters are somtimes found fooling around with the gods or playing tricks on them they are punished by god like laws. the purpose of greek mythology was to learn about what was living before us. mainly to learn about ancient history. Answer 2 What we call Greek mythology was the religion of the ancient Greeks.