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l would kick them out optimally get out

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Q: What would you do if the people in your club aren't helping at all?
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Related questions

Is club a helping verb?

No club is a main verb. Helping verbs are words like - would could will be do have

How do you rescue people on Club Penguin?

You can "rescue" people on Club Penguin by helping them out of the water if they are "drowning".

What to do after you finish helping out the people in club penguin?

well first you have to say what is the club penguin then what do they do then you ask what to do afther you finsh helping the people in club penguin if you know all that stuff you can know the answer. but that is a hard question

Why are Liverpool football club rubbish?

get a life they arent

How do you get a color changing puffle in club penguin?

You don't really, people say it exists but it does not!! Get normal puffle arent they good enough?

Is Club Penguin really helping the world?

No, the only possible way is that it is keeping people occupied?

Are there cheats in Club Penguin?

there used to be, club penguin has fixed some problems and i guess there arent any more...

What is a senior citizen club?

It's Old people coming in a group and younger people helping them exersice:) Hope I helped you :). They do crafts and dance yea!!

Why is Club Penguin expensive?

To some people, Club Penguin is not expensive, to others it is. Club Penguin makes you pay money so they have money for food and drinks, a house, pay the workers, and other things. So while you are upset because Club Penguin is expensive you are helping people while you get what you want.

Is club penguin storm free to download?

yes and no some are able to and some arent

Where is the penguin that owns the scarf on club penguin elite penguin force?

Go everywhere on the island asking people about it and helping them out, eventually after helping a few penguins out the scarf owner will find you and take the scarf.

Who is popular on Club Penguin?

there arent famous people in cp (aka club penguin) the "popular" penguins are the one who have cheat blogs or that talk about cp and go on it every single day and make different kinds of videos. hope this helped.