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If it is behind your back, then y'all have serious problems. She should be able to talk to who see wants, but if she feel that she needs to hide or sneak around then that is a sign of a larger problem in y'alls relationship. Talk to her let her know that there is nothing wrong with having friends, but y'all need to fix the problem between y'all that would make her feel as though see needed to hide it. Good Luck!

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Only you can decide what is best for your situation. Confronting her would be the first step however, from there you have to decide if you are going to forgive her or not.

But first you need solid evidence just in case she isn't cheating because you need backup if you're going to confront her. That way you're justified, and no one can accuse you of being paranoid.

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Comfort then

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everyone is different, everyone has different boundaries with friends, so it is different for everyone. for me its lying and talking behind their back. lying to a friend is the worst thing as well as talking behind their back. never ever do this to a friend because they will find out eventually from someone and it wont end pretty.

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