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if it was on purpose then i would sware him out and threaten to leave or just leave

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Q: What would you do if your father stuck his tongue in your mouth mouth?
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Can you breath with your tongue out?

Yes, you would breathe mostly through your mouth, but you can breathe through your nose with you tongue sticking out of your mouth.

What stops you from swallowing your tongue when you eat?

The fact that your tongue is attached to the bottom of your mouth would do it.

Would you stick your tongue in your mothers mouth?

no ya dirty animal!

What does it feel like to make out?

The physical feeling of having a tongue stuck in your mouth is exactly how you think it would feel. But all the other sensations pulsating throughout your body are intense and overwhelming.

Was it a real tongue that was stuck to the pole in a Christmas story?

No, they would have had to pay alot extra for that.

Which organs muscles move food back into the pharynx?

The tongue pushes food to the back of the mouth.

What would happen if you had a paper cut and you stuck your finger in your friends mouth?

Jordan, why would you do that. /).-

What will happen if food gets stuck in the hole of your tongue piercing?

Any food that remains in your mouth, whether it is caught in the hole of your tongue piercing, or between your teeth, or anywhere else in your mouth, will decay, and will therefore cause a great increase in the amount of bacteria in your mouth, which can lead to tooth decay, or to the inflammation of your gums, or to various other problems. Never let food remain in your mouth for any prolonged period of time. Of all the parts of your body that you might choose to pierce, the tongue is the most risky, in terms of possible medical problems. I honestly would have to advise against it.

Why would a pigeons tongue hang out of it's mouth?

Well it would probably mean the pigeon is sick.

What would cause the pallet in your mouth to hang down on the tongue?

how to get your tonuge pallet back up

Can you chew duct tape?

Eat? Yes. Digest? No. Should you eat it? Of course not.

How do you get a mouth ulcer?

normally you get a mouth ulcer from running low or stress or not having enough vitamin b12