

What would you do to convince more people to try seaweed?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What would you do to convince more people to try seaweed?
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Is there more than one type of seaweed?

yes there is more than one kind of seaweed! four of the different kinds of seaweed are Ecklonia, Porphyra,Sargassum, and Laminaria plus more!

What animal eats seaweed in the ocean?

many do. the sea otter ties itself up with seaweed to prevent itself from drifting away on the tide while sleeping. the seaweed dragon hides amongst the seaweed, looking so much like the seaweed that predators cannot see it. there are many more creatures that use seaweed, but im not sur eof them right now.

How would an adaptation such as air bladders benefit seaweed?

The air bladders would hold the main stem of the weed erect, Seaweed, being a shallow water plant, would be able to have more of it's leaves struck by the sun.

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seaweed seaweed and more seaweed sponges and living life i am a scientist so i know this and i ama mother of a going to be scientist

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What more can I say to convince you? Convince me with your actions.

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you can stop people from speeding by asking senates to make a bill for more stop signs or stop lights so people have to stop more often

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Please raise taxes for the poor young children to go to school.

What are more underwater plants?

Coral, Seaweed and Sponges

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If they are reluctant, then it will be very difficult to convince them of anything because their mind is closed to your concept. For instance, a group of liberals trying to convince a group of conservatives that abortion is okay. That would never happen. If a belief is strong enough and stems from upbringing and values, it is nearly impossible for anyone to change it. With time, people may become softer and rationalize a little, becoming more open minded, but I have never known anyone to change their core beliefs or values instantly.

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Suggestion: Convince them to do something more fun to them then runescape.

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the school was not for me and so i left it for a school i would stay and learn more love, ____________

What would happen if there were no more seaweed?

if seaweed dies out ? if fish eat it they get poopdareea