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Q: What would you expect to influence an Rf value?
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Would you expect the Rf value of a pigment to be the same if a different solvent were used Explain?

The Rf value would not be the same for every solvent as there are factors that allow each solvent to be unique. The attractive force, particle size and solubility of each solvent will create different results each time.

How would you expect Rf values to change if you went from hexane-ethyl acetate solvent system to ethyl acetate only?

the rf values would increase

What is the rf value of cocaine?

Rf is about .45

What is the Rf value of salicylamide?

It will depend on the solvent system you are using.

What is rf value of eugenol?

The Rf value depends on the type of plate used and solvents.

How does saturation effect RF value?

Saturation affects the RF value in a significant manner. With saturation of the air, this will result into high RF value which cause poor resolution.Ê

What is the RF value for aspirin using TLC?

Rf value changes with every experiences..... it depends on what was your solvant, the room température, the chromatograph you used..... that's why you wont find Rf tables in organic chemistry books

What is the maximum and RF value can be?

1, if it completely solube in the solvent, it will travel with it, right to the solvent front.

What is rf value and how is determine?

the mobility of any component in a particular solvent is referred to as its RF value. Mathematically, RF value = distance travelled by solute/ distance travelled by the solvent

What is the Rf value of anthocyanin?

anthocyanins rf vlaue is o.95

What is an rf value used for?

The rf value is shorthand for the retention value of a substance. It is used in chromatography to determine the components of an unknown sample.