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Q: What would you have done differently to handle the fort Sumter crisis?
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How you say Sumter in spanish?

Sumter is the name of a particular fortress, so you would probably say "Fortaleza de Súmter" for "Sumter Fort".

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What would happen if fort Sumter was not supplied?

union would have lost

When did the crisis at Fort Sumter begin?

The crisis and eventual conflict at Federal Fort Sumter began when South Carolina seceded from the United States on December 20, 1860. South Carolina politicians at that time decided that the Federal Occupation of the fort was an insult to their sovereignty. Reportedly, Carolina officials cited an agreement with then US President James Buchanan that the fort would not be occupied. It can be debated where the crisis began however, as mainland Federal bases had been occupied before Fort Sumter was attacked. It should be noted that a Union relief ship had been fired upon by Confederate shore canons. Because of this the relief ship turned back to the Union. The above information certainly has currency as to when the crisis began. Especially so when the Confederate shore canons fired upon a Union ship in January of 1861. The new US President would not be sworn in until March 4, 1861. Early on, Lincoln referred only to South Carolina's actions as a rebellion. The most accepted date of the war is technically in debate.

What geographic term would fort Sumter be located on?


What is the topography of fort Sumter?

Topography would not apply in the case of Fort Sumter, as the fort was built in the center of Charleston Harbor, with water all around it.

How would you use the word crisis in a sentence?

Ther e was a family crisis.

What was the attack of Fort Sumter about?

The general at fort Sumter wrote a letter to president Lincoln saying that they were running out of supplies. president Lincoln could send supplies, send troops or do nothing at all. If he sent supplies Sumter might get attacked. If he sent troops Sumter would definitely get attacked. If he did nothing the general would have to surrender so he was basically give Sumter to the south. he chose to send supplies. The southern leader found out about the supplies being sent so he too made a decision. he chose to attack Sumter before the supplies arrived. by doing so he started the Civil War.

How do you fix the cluster on a 2004 ford explorer trac?

Really need to know exactly what's wrong with it in order to answer this. You'll handle malfunctioning gauges a bit differently than you would inoperable lights, for example.