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Slaves working, horse-drawn carriages, antebellum architecture, steam-powered trains, and paddle-wheeled riverboats were common sights during America's first and only Civil War.

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Q: What would you see during the Civil War?
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To see what their weapons could do Germany bombed this spanish city?

Germany supported Franco during the Spanish Civil War of 1936, and tested their weapons during that war.

Where was a photograph taken of Abraham Lincoln during the civil war?

Many. Please see the attached links.

What began during the civil war as a way to obtain soldiers?

Conscription ~ see related link below .

How did the salvadorian Civil War start?

See website: Salvadoran Civil War

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Chester A Arthur was the Quartermaster General of the State of New York and held the rank of Brigadier General United States Volunteers during the Civil War. Although he did not see action he was instrumental in supplying a large number of Union Troops during the Rebellion.

Why is Lincoln significant to the civil war?

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What can you see at the Mill Springs Civil War Museum in Nancy Kentucky?

You can see a variety of displays related to the Civil War in the Civil War Museum in Nancy Kentucky. Among the displays are Civil War pictures and extensive uniforms and weapons.

Which major battle occurred during the Civil War in Nevada?

None -see the related link listed below, please...

When was the first time the military draft was used?

During the American Revolution, some states resorted to the draft to get citizens to join the state militia. The United States first employed national conscription during the Civil War. I believe President Madison had tried to institute a draft while he was President but Congress would not approve it. The Union conscription law led to violent draft demonstrations in New York City, in 1863. Several people were killed during the Draft Riots.

What was the name of the all regiment in the civil war?

That would never fit here-not even for one side (confederate or union) each state had half a dozen or more regiments on each side. see wikipedia list of civil war regiments by state or see "Civil War Archive-Regimental Index"

What were the generals name of the south during the civil war?

He was William Tecumseh Sherman.Answer:There were numerous generals in both the Northern and Southern armies during the American Civil War (See Link). As the North eventually carried the war to the South there could even be said to be Northern generals in the South at some periods.