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Q: What would you see in an industrialized country?
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What country in Scandinavia is the most industrialized?

They are all very industrialized. But if I have to pick one, I would pick Sweden.

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bulgaria is a semi-industrialized country

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What middle eastern country is the most industrialized?

the United Arab Emirates is not only the most industrialized country in the Middle East, it is the most industrialized country in the world

Is Mexico an advanced country?

You mean "developed" or industrialized? No. It is an "emerging market" or "newly industrialized country".

Newly industrialized countries list?

Newly industrialized countries are those that have been developed and have obtained a high level of technology and economic advancements. A newly industrialized country would be South Africa.

Which European country would be least likely to industrialize and why?

All European countries are industrialized.

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How do you use newly industry nation in a sentence?

The phrase "newly industry nation" would be an awkward construction. It should not be used in a sentence. However, you could write "newly industrialized nation".The country was a newly industrialized nation.The poorest country in the world showed signs of becoming a newly industrialized nation.

Is Mexico a developed country?

No. It has an emerging market status, meaning it still needs more development to be considered a fully industrialized country. See related questions.

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The modern industrialized nation of Japan is an example of a what?

The modern industrialized nation of Japan is an example of a developed country.