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Q: What would you type in at a command prompt to view the ip setting for the computer that you are sitting at?
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How do you get the IPA of a computer from the command prompt?

In command prompt write "ipconfig/all" command and then press [enter]. And see the IPv4 Address section in the commend prompt.

How do you find your ms dos version on your computer?

Go to the command prompt and run "ver" command..

What do you know about PROMPT command in MS-DOS?

PROMPT command is an internal command, which is used to change the MS-DOS prompt. Through, the system displays the prompt bu default, when you start the computer.

How do you standby a computer with command prompt?

shutdown -lThe computer must have hibernate set to off.Then run the following command from command prompt%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendStateIf Hibernate is ON the above command will place your computer in hibernate state

What is the purpose of the command prompt?

the command prompt is a program where you can command the computer to perform functions such as shutdown, restart, open a certain file, start a program, etc.

How do you send messages on command prompt?

Go into command prompt and type: net send (ip address/ name of computer) (User) (message)

How do you delete your photos from your computer it wont let you?

Use command prompt.

In the unix system what does set the prompt text mean?

It generally refers to setting the text that will appear when the shell prompt is asking the user to type in a command, meaning, the shell needs work to do. The standard prompt in most shell environments is a single character, such as '#', '$', or '%'. By setting the prompt you can customize what appears when the system is idle and wants you to type in a command to do something.

How do you find the Mac address of a computer?

hi u can find the mac address of computer by ipconfig/all command in command prompt. Thanks

How do you close from command prompt?

Type exit to close the Command Prompt window, or click the red X in the corner. To shut down your computer, type shutdown -s

What are command prompt codes?

Codes you enter in command prompt to control your computer and tell it to do specific things. But it can also be used for everyday tasks like connecting to a wireless router.

How do you recover data from Command prompt?

The command prompt is a terminal window, and allows the user to control their computer using specific commands. Command line recovery tools include ddrescue and the ntfs* family of tools.