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a plastic ruler or some string that can be measured once off the Pizza

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Q: What would you use to measure the diameter of a pizza with?
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magnify glass
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If a pizza has a diameter of 12 inches how do you use a formula to find the circumference of the pizza?

You measure it with the tape ruler thing or use pi (3.1415937) times the radius or the diameter. I forgot which one.

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First of all it's "What unit of measurement would you use to measure the diameter of a drink can?" Secondly you would probably use either centimeters or inches, depending on where you are in the world.

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centimeters or millimeters

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I would use a micrometer. A caliper would do as well.

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its a golf ball

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you would probably use a micrometer

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you can rub the potato chips on a brown paper towel

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If you were to calculate the mass of a nickel you would use grams or milligrams if you were to measure the diameter of a nickel you would use millimeters.

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Micrometer and Vernier