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the measurer

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Q: What would you use to measure the distance between something?
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How would you measure the distance between Omaha and Nebraska?

The correct answer would be 40.44.

What unit of distance would you use to measure the distance between two stars?

Light Years.

What unit of measure would you use if you were measuring the distance between galaxies?

i believe it light years. Planets is miles/ kilometers. something like that. if not ask a astrologist. they would know

What would you use to measure the distance between Maine and Florida?

you would use kilometers.

What unit would measure the distance around something in yards?

i like wabbits with lemoons

What would you use to measure the distance between the lines marked on a candle?

A ruler

When do you use kilometers to measure?

Km is used for long distances. As the distance between two cities.

What metric units would you use to measure the distance between you and the stop light?


What would you use to measure the distance to go from earth to mars?

you would use kilometers. The distance between their orbital paths is on average 78,341,212 Km apart.

What is an example of something you would measure in meters?

Anything that you might measure in yards, can easily be measured in meters. For example, the length of a car, the distance to cross a street, etc. You would NOT use meters to measure something rather small like the length of a pencil.

How would you measure the distance of the door meters or liters?

You would measure the distance of the door with meters because liters measure volume not length.

Which unit of length would you use to measure the distance between two fire stations?

Miles or kilometers