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who fought for freedom of speech?

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Q: Who argued for freedom of speech and religious tolerance?
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What did voltaire believe?

Voltaire believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religious beliefs, and freedom of speech.

What was Voltaire's ideas and influences on religious freedom?

Voltaire was a proponent of religious tolerance and believed in the separation of church and state. He criticized religious institutions for their intolerance and advocated for freedom of thought and speech. His ideas influenced the development of the concept of religious freedom as a fundamental human right.

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Traditionally, the phrase "religious tolerance" would not be considered a single part of speech. Instead, "religious" would be considered an adjective modifying the noun "tolerance".

What did Voltaire advocate in A Treatise of Toleration?

Voltaire advocated for religious tolerance and freedom of speech in his work "A Treatise of Toleration." He argued against religious fanaticism and persecution, stating that individuals should have the right to practice their own beliefs without fear of punishment or oppression. Voltaire emphasized the importance of reason and critical thinking in advancing society.

Did Voltaire speak Japanese?

No, Voltaire, the French philosopher and writer, did not speak Japanese. He primarily spoke French and was known for his writings on topics such as freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and reason.

What rights did colonists gain as a result of the English Bill of Rights?

The Got the right for religious tolerance freedom of the press, freedom of speech and others

Who were two enlightenment philosophers?

Two Enlightenment philosophers were Voltaire, known for advocating for freedom of speech and religious tolerance, and John Locke, known for his ideas on natural rights and the social contract theory.

What were voltaire's main achievements?

Voltaire wrote Candide and Dictionnaire Philosophique.He also worked for freedom of speech and tolerance.

Which Enlightenment Thinker believed in freedom of Speech?

John Locke, a prominent Enlightenment thinker, believed in freedom of speech as a natural right of individuals. He argued that censorship and restrictions on speech were a violation of people's freedom to express their thoughts and opinions. Locke's ideas greatly influenced the concept of free speech in Western democracies.

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Right to educate, Freedom of expression/speech, Religious freedom and Fairtreatment and equality in education.