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There have been six manned missions to successfully land on the moon:

1. Year - 1969 / Space Craft - Eagle Lunar Module / Mission - Apollo 11 / Crew: Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

2. Year - 1969 / Space Craft - Intrepid Lunar Module / Mission - Apollo 12 / Crew: Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr., Alan L. Bean

3. Year - 1971 / Space Craft - Antares Lunar Module / Mission - Apollo 14 / Crew: Alan Shepard Jr., Edgar Mitchell

4. Year - 1971 / Space Craft - Falcon Lunar Module / Mission - Apollo 15 / Crew: Dave Scott, Jim Irwin

5. Year - 1972 / Space Craft - Orion Lunar Module / Mission - Apollo 16 / Crew: John Young, Charles Duke

6. Year - 1972 / Space Craft - Challenger Lunar Module / Mission - Apollo 17 / Crew: Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt

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Q: What year and spacecraft visited the moon?
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