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Q: What year did America declare war on Germany in world war 1?
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In what year did the US declare war on Germany?


What year did us declare war on Germany?

1941 late December.

In which year and month did Britain and France declare war on Germany?

September 1939

What year did the you s send troops to world war 1?

The USA declared War on Germany in 1917, after Germany tried to get Mexico to declare War on the USA. 1917 is the year the USA first sent soldiers to fight in Europe.

What year did Hitler declare world on Britain in?

the year 4000

When did the us declare war in ww1?

Germany didn't declare war on the US in world war 1. It was the US that declared war on Germany on April 6th 1917 as a result of the unrestricted submarine war introduced by Germany in January that year. - I Warner

America declared war on Germany what year?

America declared war on Germany in 1941.

In what year did the US declare War against Germany?

December 11, 1941, immediately after Germany declared war on the US.

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What most influential in turning American public opinion against Germany?

1. WWI-Unrestricted sub warfare turned people against Germany. 2. WWII-America liked Germany prior to WWII, Germans even visited the US in the 1930s. Germany declared on America. America did NOT declare war on Germany (America simply reciprocated). Hitler wanted Japan to open a second Russian Front, as he had just invaded Russia the same year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor; he also declared war the same year he invaded Russia. If Hitler helped Japan, he hoped Japan would help him.

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What year did the US have war with Germany and Japan?

when the attack on pearl harbour ended, the Americans declared war on both countries as they found out somehow that the Germans had helped the Japanese to prepare for the devastation at pearl harbour