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probably 61 AD

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Q: What year did Boudicca Poison herself?
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Where did boudicca get poison from?

Boudicca got the poison from a friend

Why did Queen Boudicca die?

By some accounts she took poison to prevent herself from being captured by the Romans.

When Boudicca drank the poison did she know that it was poison?

Yes. She likely committed suicide by poison.

How do you think boudicca's warriors felt after the Romans had defeated them?

When the Romans defeated Queen Boudicca, the leader of the Celtic Civilization, her warriors and herself must have felt very disappointed and they soon gave up. For a woman, Queen Boudicca was very strong. She was very fearless and had killed many Romans herself. But when they defeated her, she drank poison and killed herself rather than be taken prisoner by the ruthless Romans.

Why did boudicca die?

she poisend herself

Where did boudicca find her poison?

It is not known for sure if Boudicca drank poison but in some stories it has been said she and her daughters drank hemlock. Some say she died of an unknown illness.

Where did Queen Boudicca die?

Queen Boudicca's final moments came at an unknown battlefield somewhere in the Midlands, where suffering a massive defeat she persuaded her daughters to drink 'hemlock', before taking the poison herself, rather than fall into the hands of the Romans.

Did Boudicca prison herself to avoid capture?

It was said that she killed herself.

What type of poison did boudicca drink?

Boudicca drank poison because she did not want to get tortured by the Romans.

Did Boudicca's daughters take the poison too?

No they were taken to a neighbouring tribe

What punishment did boudicca get from the Romans?

Boudicca reveived no punishment from the Romans. It is said she poisoned herself rather than face the consequences.

Why did boudicca kill herself?

Her rebellion was unsuccessful and her daughters had been assaulted.