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Constantine did not compile The Bible.

The official list was recognized in 327 A.D. in response to heretics and advocates of such pseudo Christian religions as gnosticism propogating their own versions of the scripture. The compilation of the New Testament canon you have had 250 years of history, being recognized as Scripture, behind it before it became 'official' so to speak.

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Q: What year did Constantine compile the bible?
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Where was The Bible published?

Bible was first officially published in the council of naicea ..@ 325 AD .. and it was headed by king constantine ..

Was Constantine 1 a writer of Bible?

No, the Bible had been completed LONG before Constantine was born. Constantine was a pagan ruler who used religion to try and unify his government. He was responsible for combining parts of Christian belief with a variety of pagan ideas to form a state religion to unite his fractured kingdom.

Did Constantine translate The Bible?

No. St. Constantine didn't become a Christian until he was on his deathbed. St. Jerome personally translated it into Latin. King James ordered it translated into English.

Did Constantine remove things from the Bible?

Constantine I lived from 272 to 337 AD. The King James version of the Bible was first published in 1611, so there's about a 1300 year gap. I think it's safe to say, no, he didn't. Constantine did in fact put the Bible together. He chose what books were put in and which were left out. The person who answered this question is mistaken. The King James Version of the Bible is merely a translation of the Bible that Constantine put together from the roman language to old English. It has since been translated into many new version, including Gideons, New King James, etc. ------ Actually, this is untrue. On the contrary to what the da vinci code may have you believe... Scholars believe that the vast majority of the new testament was recognized by the church as authoritative, as early as the first century. 4/5's of the new testament was already agreed upon before Constantine, the last fifth of it was put together during constantines era, but not because of political pressure, but because christians could more safetly come together. Constantine did not choose which books went into the new testament, because they were already agreed on by the churches over a large period of time, as apposed to one moment (Constantine choosing which goes in and which does not). ------ Previous answer is more or less correct. Constantine had absolutely, nothing to do with the canon of Scripture, that is simply a myth. You will not be able to document one single historical source that shows Constantine or the Council of Nicaea having anything whatsoever to do with the books of the Bible. ------ Guys we are fighting over something that's been gone for over along time, we weren't born at that time so we will not truly know what happened remember guys "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

What does the year 2011 mean in the Bible?

2011 is not in the bible - not as a year, not as a number. It cannot, therefore, "mean" anything in the Bible.