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Q: What year did Dr Henry Koplik descover measles?
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How common is measles?

19 people out of a million every year

What is the name of the scientist that had the most influence on measles?

Maurice Hilleman. He developed the measles vaccine, and it is estimated to prevent 1 million deaths every year.

How widespread is measles?

Measles infections appear all over the world. Prior to the current effective immunization program, large-scale measles outbreaks occurred on a two to three-year cycle, usually in the winter and spring.

What year was Henry the v11?

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How do you know if two year old has measles?

take 'em to the doctor! what else do ya do??

How many people have been killed by measles?

It's impossible to find that information out. In 2006 a 13 year old boy died of measles, first death in more than a decade. So, yearly, statistically, 0.10% children die of measles or 1 in 10 years die of measles in the UK. Thanks to vaccinations, we are now fairly safe from diseases like measles, but unfortunately as the rate of vaccinations goes down (due to fear mongering) some of these diseases are coming back. If you are using this information to decide whether or not to vaccinate your child, remember that 200,000 people died of measles last year - in unvaccinated countries. Talk to your doctor and make the sensible decision.

What year was it when Roald Dahl's daughter died?

his daughter Olivia died on November 17 1962 because of measles

How many people in the UK catch the measles every year?

20 million, but mostly in third world countries

What year was Henry VIII declared 'Defender of the faith'?

Henry the 8th was declared 'defender of the faith' in the year of 1533.

What year was Henry the 8th abdication?

Henry VIII never abdicated.