

What year did Medea take place?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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13y ago

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in 431 b.c

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Q: What year did Medea take place?
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What time period does Medea take place in?

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What is the name of the city where 'Medea' by Euripides takes place?

Athens and Corinth are the cities where the play "Medea" by Euripides (480 B.C.E.? - 406 B.C.E.?) takes place. The action begins in Corinth, the place to which Princess Medea comes after helping Jason in his quest for the golden fleece in the coastal southern Caucasus region of Colchis. It continues back and forth between that city and Athens, to which Medea is exiled when Corinthian King Creon decides that his daughter Glauce needs to marry Jason.

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After Medea killed the princess that was married to Jason, she was married with Jason. One day, Medea and Jason were at the beach and a ship timber fell on Medea's head. Then Medea died.

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Kinesias is not in the Story of Medea. He's in Lysistrata. Jason, Creon, and Aegeus are the Men in Medea

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