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Theodore Fujita develop the fujita scale in 1971

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Q: What year did Theodore fujita develop the fujita scale?
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What year did Theodore Fujita develop the Fujita Tornado scale?

Fujita released the scale in 1971, but much of the development was based on a detailed survey of the Lubbock, Texas tornado of 1970.

What year did the fujita tornado scale?

Development of the Fujita Scale began in 1970 and the scale was published in 1971. It was used in the United States until 2007, when it was replaced with the Enhanced Fujita Scale.

Are the rates of tornadoes F1 F2 F3 F4 and F5?

Yes, the rates of tornadoes are categorized according to the Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale, which ranges from EF0 to EF5. EF0 is the weakest category, while EF5 is the most intense and destructive. The rates of tornadoes occurring in each category can vary from year to year.

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Theodore Roosevelt

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Theodore was known as the patron saint of Venice. Theodore was martyred in the year 306 shortly after his death.

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What year did Theodore die?

January 6, 1919

Is year is a ratio scale?

The year is interval scale (no natural zero); your age is ratio.

How to measure a tornado?

If you are talking about a tornado, this is already a scale in place-The Fujita scale (F-Scale), or Fujita-Pearson scale, is a scale for rating tornado intensity, based on the damage tornadoes inflict on human-built structures and vegetation. The official Fujita scale category is determined by meteorologists (and engineers) after a ground and/or aerial damage survey; and depending on the circumstances, ground-swirl patterns (cycloidal marks), radar tracking, eyewitness testimonies, media reports and damage imagery, as well as photogrammetry/videogrammetry if motion picture recording is available.The wind speed is measured by a system called VORTRAC (Vortex Objective Radar Tracking and Circulation), was successfully tested by the hurricane center last year."VORTRAC is an excellent example of the application of basic research to help improve short-term hurricane warnings," says Steve Nelson, program director in NSF's Division of Atmospheric Sciences.The system, which relies on existing Doppler radars along the U.S. coast, provides details on hurricane winds and central pressure every six minutes, indicating whether the storm is gathering strength in the final hours before reaching shore.

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When did Theodore Roosevelt's parents die?

his dad died when Theodore was in his second year of preschool and his mom died when he was in his late 20's.