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There were no nuclear tests in Mississippi.

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Q: What year did atomic scientists set off the first nuclear test in the Mississippi?
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What did scientists manhatten project discover?

The Manhattan Project was instigated to build a nuclear reactor and consequently the first atomic bomb.

Who is responsible of making a nuclear or atomic bomb?

the US army headed a secret team of scientists called the Manhattan project - they did the science, developed the ideas and worked with engineers to make the first atomic bomb on 1944-1945.

What did the Manhattan project do?

Created the first Atomic Weapon (Nuclear Bomb). And ended WW2 with the dropping of 2 A-Bombs on Japan.

When did us scientists test the atomic bomb?

The first detonation of a nuclear device was the Trinity Detonation on July 16, 1945 35 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico

How was atomic bomb made?

In 1939, J. Robert Oppenheimer was the first to realize that an atomic bomb could be made as a result of nuclear fission. Prior to this, there were several scientists around the world who knew they were on the verge of discovery. It wasn't until 1945 that the first experiment was conducted.

What war was the first nuclear war?

Yes because the American bomber aircraft dropped two atomic bombs in Japan but now the atomic bombs are called nuclear bombs, the first nuclear weapon was ever invented.

When did Pakistan explode their first atomic bomb?

18th May1998, but its not atomic bomb (its nuclear bomb)

When and where did Pakistan's first atomic nuclear explosion take place?

Pakistan's first atomic nuclear explosion took place at "Chaghai Hills" (Balochistan) on May 11 and 13, 1998.

Who built the first nuclear ractor 'Atomic pile?

Enrico Fermi

Where were the first nuclear bombs dropped?

A nuclear bomb has never been dropped. It was an atomic bomb that was dropped on the Japanese cities Hiroshima ans Nagasaki. An atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Nuclear bombs have much more impact than atomic bombs, and could potentially end the World if a nuclear war was started.

Inventions of Enrico Fermi?

He created the first atomic bomb and nuclear reactor.

What did Julius Robert oppenheimer invent?

He invented the first nuclear weapon, the atomic bomb.