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Q: What year did pet rocks come out?
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Related questions

Where do white rocks come from?

You can get white rocks for your fish tank from pet stores such as Petco and Pet Smart. They sell gravel and rocks of various sizes and colors for fish tanks.

Why do people have pet rocks?

People usually have pet rocks if they do not have pets. If they have pets and a pet rock, then they either do it for fun or they just are bored.

How do you use sold pet rocks in a sentences?

The term 'sold pet rocks' is a predicate, a verb and the words related to that verb. The compound noun 'pet rocks' is functioning as the direct object of the verb 'sold'.The only thing missing to form a complete sentence with this predicate is a subject, for example:I sold pet rocks.We sold pet rocks.You sold pet rocks.He sold pet rocks.She sold pet rocks.They sold pet rocks.Everyone sold pet rocks.

Are pet rocks real?


Where do you get pet rocks?

your backyard

What are pet rock clothing stores?

Its a clothing store for pet rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are pet rocks living?

not technically, but they were popular

Can pet rocks come alive?

ello there young puppets. Im a pommy scientist and drink ma cup of tea whilst writing this extrememly beutiful answer. yes, they can come alive. they come alive if you sprinke candy pops on your stomach and sudennly you will feel this funny feeling, a couple of alive pet rocks um...randomly appear. i have 3 alive pet rocks, jacob ( buc teeth bil), patrick (big nose), and liam ( 8 year old pussy). They're very important to me as jacob sometimes bites patricks starfish's big nose and left a couple of marks. liam got scared and ran away like a little girl. he wanted his mummy :( poor baby...

What is the name of a 1970 fad toy?

pet rocks

How many pet rocks live in Sweden?


Where is your pet rocks mouth?

Wherever you want it to be, that's the fun part about having a pet rock.

When rocks come into molten rocks?
