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Q: What year did reciprocity trade deal with the US?
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Both are same. Trade is a business of buying and selling commodities. Deal is to distribute the trade among several recipients. Let us consider the below example. Trade value is 1000 it can be splitted into n number of deals. Then each deal value = trade value/n

Does Canada have reciprocity with the US today?

Yes, Canada does have Reciprocity with the United States today, but with some terms and details.

Does New Jersey and Virginia have reciprocity with moving violations?

There is reciprocity in all US States for moving traffic violations.

NY traffic reciprocity with other states?

ALL states and US possessions share DMV reciprocity with one another.

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How did reciprocity affect the confederation?

Reciprocity, which means free trade, between the US and Canada, would help Canada's economy considerably. However, when Canada's mother country, Britain, supported the SOUTH side, the LOSING side to the American Civil War, the Americans (the NORTH side, who won) cancelled reciprocity as revenge on Britain for unofficially supporting the South. With Confederation, Canada would be independent from Britain, and therefore, the Americans could not do things to CANADA as revenge on BRITAIN. :)

Does the US have special courts?

Yes, there are special courts that deal with bankruptcy, the District of Columbia and other US territorial courts, federal trade, and federal taxes

What year was The Louisiana Purchase made and president was responsible for this?

The year was 1803 and Jefferson was the US President that completed the deal.

Does Indiana have reciprocity with Michigan?

Yes, all states and US territories have reciprocity with one another (i.e.: DMV files - court decisions - child support and alimony - etc - etc).

What is the value of 1799 us trade dollar?

If you have a 'Trade Dollar' dated 1799 it's fake. 1873 is the first year of issue.

In what year in the 1900s did the US cut off trade with Japan?

December 7, 1941