

What year did the original settlers come to Jamestown?

Updated: 11/9/2020
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12y ago

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The year the original settlers came to Jamestown was 1607

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Q: What year did the original settlers come to Jamestown?
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What year did the settlers build Jamestown?

Jamestown was built and settled in 1607.

What settlement was founded in Virginia in the year 1607 by the English?

Jamestown was founded by Virgina Company with the approval of King James I

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Lack of pioneering skills among the settlers.

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In order for the colony to thrive, Jamestown needed farmers, soldiers and craftsmen. However, the original settlers were English gentlemen unaccustomed to hard labor. The colonists also wasted time searching for gold and silver when they should have been planting crops. As a result, more than half of the settlers were dead within a year.

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During Jamestown's first year of being a settlement, only 60 of the original settlers survived. John Smith then took matters into his own hands when he saw the numbers dwindling and brought them back up with the discovery of the cash crop: tobacco. With tobacco, more and more settlers arrived with the desire of growing tobacco crops and owning land beyond belief.

What year did the settlers come?

a long time ago stupid!

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The main problems that the early settlers of America faced were: Disease: Malaria, Smallpox, Cholera. Indian tribe attacks: King Phillips War, Roanoke Island, Jamestown Massacre or(Indian Massacre of 1622) Crop Failure: In Jamestown, the settlers arrived to late in the year to plant crops. Many early settlers of the Virginia Colony were unaccustomed to hard labor and the settlement was not producing enough to sustain themselves.

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norway, in the year 874 hope this info helped you, reasearcher101

Which colony was settled just one year after Jamestown Plymouth Roanoke New Amsterdam or Quebec?

New Amsterdam was settled just one year after Jamestown. Plymouth Colony was settled one year after Jamestown. It was in existence from 1620 to 1691.

What year did slaves come to Jamestown?

In 1690 they arrived at Jamestown on board a Portuguese ship looking for food, whose people traded them for food. The slaves were all captured from an African country called Angola

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There were no indentured servants in Jamestown among the 104 settlers in 1607. Indentured servants also didn’t have to be “given freedom “ because they weren’t slaves. They were people who agreed to a 7 year contract in exchange for passage to the colonies.

What year did John Smith organize the first Thanksgiving feast?

John Smith was actually not at the First Thanksgiving feast. He arrived before the pilgrims around 1607. The first Thanksgiving was in 1621 with the settlers of Jamestown.