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Q: What year was Aldis gun sighting telescope g344 made?
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Why did people think that Galileo made the telescope?

people think Galileo made telescope because he was the first one made up telescope

What is an artificial telescope?

an artificial telescope is a telescope that is man made by people from NASA or anyone who can make a telescope

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Who invented the smallest telescope?

unfortanently newtan made the first telescope

When was the very large telescope made?

The telescope was invented first in 1608.

The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland was made by what?

The Dutch

What is the most significant discovery Galileo made using is telescope?

he made phrases of the moon and first to use a telescope

Who used a telescope for the first time?

Galileo used and made the first telescope.

What did george ellery hale make big and famous?

he made the telescope

Who made use of the reflecting telescope?

Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope.

Did Einstein create the first telescope?

No. The first telescopes were made by Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen in 1608. Galileo improved their design and made the first astronomical telescope by 1609. In 1611 Kepler improved the telescope further and in 1616 Zucchi designed the first reflecting telescope. The first radio telescope was made by Reber in 1937. So, as you can see the first telescope was made several hundred years before Einstein.

What invention was made after the Hubble Space Telescope?

Right after The Hubble Space Telescope, many new inventions were made. :D