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Q: What year was peace declared in world war 1?
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When was peace declared after World War 2?

it ended in 1945 so thats when peace was declared

When was peace declared in World war Two?


When was peace declared in World War 3?

There has never been a World War 3.

What date was peace declared for world war 2?

September, 2 1945

What made them have World War 2?

The Britain and the French declared war on the German when the German were at war with Poland. They all did not have a peace treating so they could not have peace.

What year did the world war 1 bein?

war was declared on 28th july 1914

What year did the US declared war on Britain?

The US has never declared war on Britain during World War II; they were absolute, staunch allies.

In what year did they declare peace for World War 1?


What year was peace ddeclared after world war 3?

There hasn't been a World War 3 yet.

What was declared during world war 2?

War was declared.

World war 1I officially began when what two countries declared war upon Germany and in what year?

England and France declared war on Germany after it invaded Poland on Sept 1, 1939.

America declared war on Germany what year?

America declared war on Germany in 1941.