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Q: What year was the International Prime Meridian officially designated?
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Where was the international prime meridian officially officially designated?

Greenwich observatory

Why is the prime meridian designated at zero degrees?

CAUSE ITS in the middle

What is the second name for the prime meridian?

The second name for the prime meridian is the international date line

The day officially changes on Earth at the Prime meridian?

yes it does

What degree does the prime meridian follow?

By definition and international agreement, the Prime Meridian is Zero longitude.All longitudes on earth are measured east and west of the Prime Meridian.

What runs through Greenwich England the equator tropic of cancer international date line or Prime Meridian?

The Prime Meridian, which is why it is known as the Greenwich Meridian.

How many degrees from the greenwich meridian is the international dateline?

The Greenwhich meridian also Prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude and International Date Line roughly follows the 180° longitude or antimeridian. The antimeridian is the meridian which is 180° east or west of the Prime Meridian.

Is the international date line used to measure latitude?

No. The Prime Meridian is. The International Dateline nominally (but not exactly) follows the 180° meridian ... exactly opposite and half a world away from the Prime Meridian.

What degree is the prime meridian located at?

The longitude of the Prime Meridian, by international definition and agreement, is zero (0°). .Every point on the Prime Meridian has a different latitude, and every latitude on Earthhas a point on the Prime Meridian.

What is the great circle formed by the prime meridian and the international dateline cuts earth in half the part east of the prime meridian?

the great circle is formed by the prime meridian and the international date line

What is the name of the line 0 longitude?

The line name at 0 degrees longitude is commonly referred to as the Prime Meridian. This line passes through Greenwich, London, United Kingdom and can also be referred to as the International Meridian or Greenwich Meridian.

What is an example of a meridian of longitude?

Prime meridian, International Date Line, time zones