

What year was the first electric guitar made in?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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In 1930, George Beauchamp successfully created the first electrically amplified guitar through the use of metal plates to detect string vibration. Several years before that, Les Paul was experimenting with several methods of amplifying the acoustic sound of the actual guitar. Once Beauchamp sold the patent to Rickenbacker, in 1932 the first electric Guitars were made. A few years later, Les Paul began making some of the better guitars that are still made today.

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Q: What year was the first electric guitar made in?
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What year was the electric guitar created?

A very simple electric guitar was made in 1931 by rickenbacker i think, but les paul made the first solid body electric guitar in early 40's i think

What year was the electric guitar made in?


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1931 by Rickenbacker , it was nicknamed the frying pan. They made them for 8 years and 2700 exist.

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Adolph Rickenbacker in 1925

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The guitar is based off of many stringed instruments but the modern electric guitar was pioneered by rickenbacker with the "frying pan" guitar. It was a lapsteel that used a hand-wound pickup. (it was made in 1931)

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in 1932 with George Beauchamp who holds the patent for the electric guitar. It was called the frying pan guitar I'd give you a wikipedia link but some contributors get upset when I send links to HELP people.

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1931 , the year it was invented in. Hawaiian music was probably the first serious style played on the first guitars as that was the rap music or metal of the 1930s surprisingly.

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It's really up to them. Though, I would suggest an electric guitar since it is easier to learn on; but after learning how to play an acoustic guitar first, the electric should be much easier. You should consider going to a music store and let them decide which one they are more comfortable playing, you may decide to buy both!