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The first printing press was set up in America in 1638 by Stephen Daye, born in London, England in 1611. Through the financing and support of Rev. Joseph Glover, a press and material were shipped from England. Stephen Daye was a descendent of John Day, most eminent and wealthy of early English typographers. After the death of Glover, Daye entered into work, set up the press, and by direction of magistrates and elders he first printed the first issue of the colonial press the "Freeman's Oath" in January of 1739.

The second work printed was an almanac by William Pierce, a mariner, in 1739. In 1740, a Psalter was printed. Daye also printed the "Catechism"and "Body of Liberties" containing one hundred laws of the colonies in 1741 (second edition was printed in 1748). Daye was superseded from the management of the press, by appointment of magistrates and elders of Samuel Green a printer. In October 1741, the court of Massachusetts showed their appreciation of Daye's thirteen years of work with a grant of 300 acres of land for "being the first to settle upon printing."

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Q: What year was the first printing press in America set up?
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