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Information from the writers of the 8th century A.D., who depended on information from the time of Mohammed, indicates the Kaabah was built at the beginning of the 5th century A.D. by a Himyarite pagan Yemeni leader named Asa'd Abu Karb. He is also called Abu Karb Asa'd, and he reigned in Yemen from 410 to 435 A.D. The fact that the Islamic historians admit that Asa'd Abu Karb was the first ruler in history to dress the Kaabah is a significant indicator that he was the true builder of the Kaabah. Dressing a temple in Arabia was the second stage of its construction. It included decoratively finishing the inside walls, putting carpets on the walls and the floor, and adding textured and crocheted items on various parts of the interior building. (Arabians will not pray in a temple which is not dressed.) Asa'd Abu Karb used Amer from Azed to build the inside walls of the Kaabah. (Azed is a tribe which came from Yemen at the same time Khuzaah's tribe came.) So Asa'd Abu Karb, the first to build and dress the Kaabah, must have first built it when there was just a tent where the Yemeni tribe of Khuzaa'h worshipped. Asa'd Abu Karb, also called Tubb'a, occupied the city of Yathrib before coming to Mecca.[vi][6] It seems he found many temples in Yathrib, but when he came to Mecca, he didn't find any temple there. Because the inhabitants were recent emigrants from Yemen, Asa'd Abu Karb built them a modest temple in the Yemeni style. He did this to connect the people with himself. He also wrote a poem in which he described the sun setting in a spring of black mud, something included in the Qur'an.

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There is no information as to the exact year that the Kaaba was built but it is said to have been built by the prophet Abraham. The building is made of granite and is located in Saudi Arabia.

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Who built the kaaba and why?

It is believed that Abraham, who is mentioned in the Bible, built the Kaaba. The Kaaba is a building that is a place of worship for all Muslims.

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Muslims believe that the Kaaba was first built by Abraham, called Ibrahim in Arabic.

Who built the kaaba?

Muslims tell us that the kaaba was built by Ibrahim and his son Ismail. Islamic traditions assert that the Kaaba was first built by Adam, the first man on earth and that Abraham and Ismail rebuilt the Kaaba. The Best estimates is that the Kaaba really dates to about the 3rd century BC and Abraham could not have existed after 1500 BC.

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Why was the ka bah built?

The Kaaba was built as a sacred space for worshipping one God in the pre-Islamic pagan era. In Islamic tradition, it is believed that the Kaaba was originally built by the Prophet Ibrahim and his son Isma'il as a central place of monotheistic worship. It serves as the focal point for Muslim pilgrimages and prayers.

Which was the first building on earth?

Kaaba is the first building on earth. It was built by the first man on earth "Adam". Click below link for more info :

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When was the holy kaaba built?

i don't know please can you tell mehe holy kaaba was first built by Hazrat Adam (AS). It was washed away during the Great flood of Hazrat Noah (AS). It was rebuilt on the same foundations by Hazrat Abraham (AS) and Hazrat Ismaiel (AS).Read more: Who_built_kaaba

What is the Kaba and why is it significant for Muslims?

Muslims consider the Kaaba was originally built by Abraham and Ishmael. When Muslims pray, they turn toward the Kaaba. And during the hajj, pilgrims walk counterclockwise around it seven times.

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Kaaba is a historic the direction of kaaba muslim worship but not worship kaaba