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Q: What year was the reflecting pool built?
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Can you put your feet in the reflecting pool?

yes u can put your feet in the reflecting pool

What year was the octant built in?

Isaac Newton invented the reflecting octant in 1699.

What year was it when Isaac Newton built his telescope?

Isaac Newton invented his reflecting telescope in 1672.

What is the purpose of the reflecting pool?

The Washington monument reflecting pool is to symbolize the deep thought and consideration that our leaders use to govern our country.

What is the name of the Body of water in front of the Lincoln memorial?

reflecting pool

Why is your pool green with no sign of algae?

Trees above reflecting the pool.

What year did Isaac Newton invent the first reflecting telescope?

He Built the first relfecting telescope in 1672!!

What landmark is west of the reflecting pool?


Where was the Lincoln memorial built?

It is located in the National Mall in Washington DC, which includes a reflecting pool between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.

What is the name of the pool that is between the Washington monument and Linconl Memorial?

The Reflecting Pool.

Where is the reflecting pool located in DC?

Lies between the Lincoln Memorial & the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.

What is the rectangular pool of water in between the Lincoln and washingtion monument called?

They call it the reflecting pool.