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Q: What year was the very first very large and very expensive mobile phone is invented?
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Who invented the first large television?

Taylor Behrens

When were the first calculators commercially available?

The calculator was invented to calculate large mathematical problems.AnswerThe calculator was invented to calculate large mathematical problems.

When was the baby mobile invented?

Alexander Calder (1898-1976), "mobile" artist, is the inspiration behind the baby mobile. He created large art pieces that were motorized. His exhibitions were called "mobile" art. Though he didn't make baby mobiles he is the artist responsible for its idea.

When was the very large telescope made?

The telescope was invented first in 1608.

How large were the first computers invented?

as large as a room and some bigger, only the rich could afford them

Why did advances in textile lead to the creation of the first factory?

Answer:Textile machines were too large for houses.Textile machines were very expensive.

How small is the smallest microwave?

The first microwave was invented by Percy Spencer after world war II it was called Radarange. But the size is not for home use because it is too large and expensive.

Who invented the aircon?

The first large-scale electrical air conditioning was invented and used in 1902 by Willis Haviland Carrier.

Who made the first electric kettle made?

Arthur Leslie Large invented the first electric kettle.

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Who was the inventor of the first mobile phone?

The technology was invented in the 1920's which was in essence a very large walkie-talkie that could transmit 100's of miles. The inventor was Reginald Fessenden. The technology became handheld in 1946 thanks to engineer's from Bell Labs with ATT being the first carrier.

Who invented the first trebuchet?

A trebuchet is defined as a machine used in medieval siege warfare for hurling large stones or other missiles. The first trebuchet was invented by the Chinese in the 4th century BC.