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Religious Jewish answer: 5772 BCE (as of 2012 CE).

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Q: What year were Adam and Eve created and years of their children births?
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Did Adam and Eve have an umblical cord?

No because, Adam and Eve were not created as children. They were both adults who had children.

Who was the first one in the world?

The first person in the world was Adam. God created Adam from the dust of the Earth and then he created Eve from the rib of Adam. Adam and Eve's first children were Cain, Abel, and Seth.

How did you get created?

Read Genesis 1:1- & John 1:1- In the beginning was God. God created Adam, then created Eve using Adam's ribs. They had children, who had children and so on. All this "bacteria junk" is nonsense.

How many children has a prophete Adam got?

Prophet Adam was the first man created. His children are all of humanity from the first days until now.

Why is Prophet Adam important in Islam?

Prophet Adam is very important in Islam, he was the first human created by Allah and through Awau (eve) the gave back to children, their children keep reproducing and that is how we are created.

Has adam got a penis?

Adam was the father of several children, three sons are named as Cain, Abel, and Seth and the Bible states that Adam and his wife Eve had many more sons and daughters. When God created Adam he created him fully male with the objective to have children with Eve and start to populate the earth.

How old was the first Adam according to bible?

Adam lived 930 years and had many children according to the Bible. Adam was 130 years old when his son Seth was born (Gen 5:4). Genesis 5:5 Altogether, Adam lived a total of 930 years, and then he died.

Who was born after Adam and Eve?

No, Cain was the first born of Adam and Eve. People were around for tens of thousands of years before Adam and Eve. Its hard to answer this question but im guessing it was Cain who knows if people were born before them?

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Adam Levine has 2 children

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Adam Silver has 2 children

How long ago was Adam created?

about six thousand years ago Islam says that only between Adam pbuh and Noah pbuh was 10.000 years. so between us and Adam pbuh... God knows.

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Adam Sandler has 2 children