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When were African Americans allowed to vote in presidential elections in the US?In:[Edit categories]
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11y ago

The Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed African Americans the right to vote in 1869, although the amendment was not technically ratified until 1870. Even before that though, African Americans had been given the right to vote in the District of Columbia all the way back to 1867.

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11y ago

African Americans were able to vote is some of the states of the United States well before the Civil War, but federal law did not make them eligible to vote until passage of the 14th Amendment to the constitution in 1868.

Of course, for decades after that, a variety of barriers to voting by African-Americans were erected, especially, but not exclusively, in the states of the former Confederacy.

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13y ago

African-American men were granted the right to vote when the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified in 1870.

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