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Q: What year were garage door openers invented?
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By whom was the electric garage door opener invented?

The first electric garage door opener was invented by C.G. Johnson in the year 1926 in India, Hartford City. Before that the electric garage door opener wasn't very popular.

What year were can openers invented?

can openers where invented in 1858 this was found on this website:

How To Choose The Right Garage Opener?

Choosing the right garage opener can mean the difference between convenience and headaches; longer life and faster breakdown. There are other reasons for choosing the garage door opener that works best for you, of course. Factors such as noise, maintenance requirements, size of the unit, and other things can affect your choice for an electric garage door opener. Many don’t really care about the inherent differences in garage openers, as long as it will open their garage door for them, but if they looked into the mechanics of one, they would see there are minor and sometimes major differences in how they are manufactured. The type of electric garage door model you have is very important, as it is a working part of your home, and can even affect things like security, and sleep, if your garage is right underneath a bedroom. Do you have a chain drive, screw drive, belt drive, or torsion drive garage door? The chain and screw drive garage door openers are the loudest, while the belt and torsion drive openers are the quietest. If you are more than a little concerned about noise, then the belt or torsion drive openers are the way to go. the torsion drive opener is the newest thing on the market for garage openers, and so are a bit more expensive, though the extra expenditure will be worth it for those who sleep, or who have children or other housemates who sleep right above them. Top Manufacturers The major manufacturers of garage door openers are Sears, Chamberlain, Genie--who introduced the first electric, screw-drive garage openers to the market over thirty years ago--and Wayne-Dalton. Many online reviewers have ranked the Chamberlain Whisper Drive® Plus Model WD962KD among the top garage door openers on the market today. This one combines mechanical efficiency with noise control, for an ideal garage opening unit that also comes with a lifetime guarantee on the motor, a 10-year belt warranty, and a coded security remote. But there are other good models made by top manufacturers, such as Craftsman, Hormann, or Lift Master. Whatever you decide on for an electric garage door opener, there are several key factors you’ll want to consider, including noise, security, price, and warranties. Genie has been in business the longest, but there are other worthy competitors playing the garage opener game which are certainly worth checking out.

What year was the door bell invented?

=== === the answer is 1831

How many people drive into their garage door and damage it?

150,000 per year in the US

If you drove your car into the garage door of the home you are renting will your auto insurance cover it?

They should cover it since it is not your property. It may be chepaer buying a new garage door then the 6 year increase to your premium

What year was the door chain lock invented?


How To Save Money On Garage Door Repair?

A broken garage door can be a major inconvenience. If your garage door breaks in the winter, you might have to park your car out in the driveway. This means that you are going to need to scrap your windows in the morning. This is never a pleasant task on a cold day. The sooner you get your garage door repaired, the sooner you can start parking your car back in its normal spot. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on garage door repair, there are ways you can save money. Here are some tips to help you keep the cost down. Check The Battery In Your Opener Before you call a repairman, check the batteries in your garage door opener. They might need to be replaced. Make sure you check this common problem before you pay for a service call. Plus, if you replace the batteries and you get your garage door to open, you can tell everyone that you fixed your garage door yourself. See If Your Garage Door Is Still Under Warranty If you have recently purchased a garage door and it has already stopped working, check to see if it is still under a manufacturer’s warranty. Some manufactures will pay to repair a garage door if it is less than a year old and has been used properly. Avoid Emergency Calls When you call the repair service provider, make sure you specify that you do not need an emergency call. If you can live with your broken garage door for a couple of days until a regular appointment is available, you can save a significant amount of money on your garage door repair. Consider Purchasing A New Garage Door If your garage door is older, it might be better to just replace it. If you are going to have to keep repairing your old unit, look into buying a new one. Some companies offer free or cheap installation when you buy a garage door. Get a quote for garage door repair, and get a quote for a total replacement. That way, you will be able to see which option makes better financial sense.

What was invented in 1890 in PA?

Invention by a man in PA that was sold door to door and last year made billions in sales

Can Your Garage Door Survive a Hurricane?

Every year, when hurricane season comes around, homeowners are warned to be prepared in case a storm should strike. People are told to have supplies on hand, board up or cover their windows and have an evacuation plan ready. One area that many people overlook is their garage.A garage door covers a large area and if it fails during a hurricane, substantial damage to the structure as well as your car or anything in the garage is possible. Winds of over 100 miles per hour can easily pull the garage door off of its track and expose the entire garage to the outside elements.Most garage doors that are installed to factory specifications are not designed to hold up to the winds of a major hurricane. If you live in a hurricane-prone area of the country, you can reinforce your garage door to make it much stronger in the event of high winds.The process is really not very difficult. If you are handy working with wood and have a few basic tools, you can have your garage door upgraded in a few hours. Even if you are not the do-it-yourself type, you can hire a handyman or a company that sells and installs garage doors to retrofit your garage door.Most manufacturers and retailers of garage doors advise the consumer of the strength of their doors and how well it can stand up to wind and flying debris. They usually offer a kit that can reinforce the panels and also secure the door to the floor.If you do not have a kit, you can reinforce your garage by buying a few 2" x 4" pieces of lumber and attaching them to the back of the garage panels. That will inhibit the chances of your garage door from bending in when hit by a major storm. Also, be sure to attach the bottom of your garage door to the cement floor of the garage.When a hurricane strikes, the most important thing is to keep the swirling wind from breaching the windows or doors and creating a vacuum. If your garage door has a small opening, the wind can get in and create a drop in pressure that will cause your garage door to push outward. If the force of the wind is sufficient, you might find your entire garage door sitting on top of your driveway. Be smart and reinforce your door now.

Maintenance Tips for Your Overhead Garage Door?

If you have an overhead garage door, it will need some basic maintenance to remain in good working order. You should wash the exterior of the door a couple of times per year with a mild detergent or a pressure washer when you wash the rest of the exterior of your house. You should lubricate the rollers and hinges of the door at least once a year to keep the moving parts in good working order. Make sure that the track is free from debris to keep the door from having difficulties opening and closing.

Do you need to grease the rollers on a garage door?

No. It will attaract dirt and dust. Shoot the shafts with wd-40 or a light oil every year and call it good.