

What you create a file in c?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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12y ago

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A file. Of course it wouldn't hurt if you asked questions that make sense.

Perhaps see if fopen() from stdio.h is what you're looking for.

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Use a text-editor.

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Create the header file as a .h file in the same way you create a source file, .c and place it in the same directory as the .c files. To incorporate it, use the... #include "my_header_file.h" ... directive. Note that there are double quotes instead of greater/less signs. This tells the compiler to look first in the source directory.

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A source file is nothing more than a text file with code. Therefore, any file created in Notepad and saved as "anyname.c" is considered a C source file.

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C programs do not require header files. If you want a C program without header files, you can simply not create them. However, you may or may not be able to include your non-header file source files.

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A source code file is a plain-text file containing C++ instructions. The instructions must be compiled and linked to create a native machine code executable.

Can you read a file after created by a program in C plus plus?

Yes. You can either create a file for both reading and writing, or you can re-open a file for reading after creating and writing to it.

What is the DOS commands to create a text file?

There are different ways to create file..Run this command - "copy con abc.txt" .. It will give you the blank space.. Write the contents of that file and then press F6 and then press Enter..Run this command - "edit abc.txt" .. It will open the DOS editor.. Write the contents of the file and then press Ctrl Z.Please note that file will be created at the current path.. If you are working at C:\data, then file will be created under Data directory in C drive..You can create a text file that lists the result of a DIR command like this:DIR>Dirlist.txt

How do you create a simple student file in C Plus Plus?

Whenever you open a file using the function open of fstream class (header file) by using one of it's object you have created, the file is created automatically.You can do it this way:fstream filer;"Student.dat",ios::out);//This will create a file.This is just a code segment.