

What you like about organic food?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Most organic foods are delicious. My favorite is organic whole milk.. mmm.. creamy and delicious. When eating organic foods it seems that they add the nutrition and along with it there is a flavor that processed foods are missing. And maybe it is a mental thing but eating organic foods just makes me feel lighter, and healthier.

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Can you get diseases by eating organic food?

Yes, just like non-organic food, if organic food becomes contaminated you can get a disease from it.

What are facts about organic food?

organic foods are good for people that are allgeric to things like eggs.... like me, orgainc eggs are better for me, they have more natural ingradtiants....

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in my opion i don't like organic stuff

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There are certification bodies that certify that food is actually organic, sort of like college accrediation. Here's some more information:

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Unless non-organic food contains preservatives, organic food should last as long as non-organic.

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Organic foods rot faster because they havent been treated with preservatives.

Is organic better than non organic?

sometimes. if you are alergic to eggs like me, it's better to eat organic eggs than regular eggs. organic food tastes sweeter than non organic food as it has more water and natural sugars in it.

Where can one get organic baby food?

One can buy organic baby food from stores like Rite Aid, Walmart, Kmart, and CVS. Organic baby food has many more healthy properties than traditional baby food. It is also quite expensive.

Does Scott's make any organic gardening products like plant food or fertilizer?

Yes they do for example there is, Scotts 4M Organic Choice Lawn Food.

Why is organic food organic?

Organic food is organic because it was grown without using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, if the organic food is processed, it does not have additives and preservatives that are not organic. It is non-GMO.

What is a comparison between organic food and non organic food in structure and taste and which one is expensive?

Most of the time, organic and non organic food will have the same structure and teste. The organic food will be more expensive.

Where are the best places to buy organic baby food in the UK?

Many parents are choosing to feed their babies organic baby food because it is all natural. Some of the best places to buy organic baby food in the UK are Organix, HiPP Organic and Ella's Kitchen.