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as i am headstrong person i would like to control my impatient attitude and be a patient one.

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Q: What you like to work up-on your strengths of weakness if an chance is given?
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What you like to work up on your strengths of weakness if an chance is given?

as i am headstrong person i would like to control my impatient attitude and be a patient one.

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Hercules has no weakness because he is mortal with the god like strengths and the only way to kill him is if he gives up his strength

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Hercules has no weakness because he is mortal with the god like strengths and the only way to kill him is if he gives up his strength

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Strengths of a restaurant include the food, the service, and the atmosphere. Weaknesses of a restaurant include Depending on the restaurant these strengths can also be weaknesses. If a restaurant does not do well with any of these things, it would be a weakness.

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Since Hermes was a messenger God. He was able to go to the underworld and anywhere else where other Gods or Goddesses could not. His weakness was having a poor and drama queen like attitude.

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yes because its just like a regular card game.some times you have to figure a way to beat your opponent,you have to find out their weakness and strengths like a puzzle.

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You can actually state them as a weakness; like being too detail oriented, being obsessive about being on time, etc

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the physical weakness of a rhinoceros would most likely be the belly because it will not have plated skin like the rest of it's body

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yes there weakness is getting chased it scares them and there strenths are getting out of small places for example they like to stick there heads in small boxes as their toys they love them and they can get them back out pretty smart animals.. i seen it happen in person.

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His strengths are unlimited, and I would have to admit that his only weakness is that he may be too hard of a worker, and cares about his country and its well being too much. What a jerk. his weaknes is fire!burn him!and his strength is kryptonite supermans weaknes! srry that last part was uncaled for...also another weakness is bullets...

What are strengths and weaknesses in working with children?

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