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Q: What you need for a fair test in germination?
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What do you need for a fair test?


If you were doing an experiment to determine the effects of x ray on seed germination what variables woild you need to keep the same for all test groups?

If you were doing an experiment to determine the effects of x ray on seed germination what variables woild you need to keep the same for all test groups?

What does it mean by a fair test?

Any test administered at a fair, such as a County or State fair can be described as a Fair Test.

What does it mean by fair test?

Any test administered at a fair, such as a County or State fair can be described as a Fair Test.

Why is it important to have a fair test in chemistry?

Fair should definitely not be part of science fair.

What is a plant fair test?

A fair test is something that doesn't change in a test for a plant.

What fair test means?

Fair test means, that in a experiment/project everything is perfect and fair.

What does fairness in testing mean?

FAIR TEST means something which is a test and is fair.

What is the meaning of fair test in science?

a fair test is were you only change one thing

What is a fair test in experiment?

A fair test is, in short, a test with fair conditions. This means that each time the test is repeated, all of the conditions will be the same. That way, there is no advantage/disadvantage to a set of results.

Why do plants need to start the germination process?

Germination can imply anything expanding from a greater being from a small existence or germ.

What makes a test fair?

to ensure a fair test, the scientist carrying out the experiment must be fair skinned with fair hair. otherwise the test will not be fair, obviously. Another way to do a fair test is to talk around a fair, try out the rides and evaluate.