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Q: What your kid could wear for multicultural day at school?
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What can you wear on multicultural day at school?

Just wear a red shirt with like green shoes, a blue denim skirt with pink leggings, and some orange bracelets or headband!!

What do you wear for a KING Edwards VI Grammar School induction day?

just wear anything because it is an induction day not a school day i'd probably wear jeans and a shirt !

What is a pajama day and what should you wear?

A pajama day is a day where you can wear appropriate sleepwear to work/school.

Non uniform day at school what could you go as?

Take the opportunity of non uniform day at school to wear something that makes you feel great and special! When you feel great about yourself it illuminates right through you.

What uniform should you wear first day of school?

The one recommended by the school.

What do you wear on super kids day in elementary school?

I wear a wonder women costume.

What to wear the first day of school?

Just wear something nice and comfortable for the weather.

Should people wear clothes to school?

Yes, people should most definitely wear clothes to school every day.

Does Haiti wear uniforms to school?

yes they do were uniforms to school every day of the year

What do you wear to school on a day that is 86 degrees Fahrenheit?

I would probably wear a bright tshirt and capris

What should you wear for your school tacky day?

you should just at sloppy (if it is a certain kind of day)

Why do teacher not wear a school uniform?

Teachers are professionals who are expected to dress appropriately for their role. Wearing a school uniform might not be necessary as it could restrict their choice of clothing and not necessarily impact their ability to teach effectively. Additionally, school uniforms are typically associated with students, not teachers.