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well, first you have to know that it doesn't just take eating healthy but to exercise too. it is reccomended that every person get atleast 1 hour of exercise every day, whether that be running, walking, sports, biking, or whatever else, is up to you. as for what you should eat, i would recommend a diet that consumes anywhere between 1500-2000 calories a day because your body is still growing. stay away from sweets as much as you can. if you want sweets though, i would recommend only giving away a tenth of the amount of calories you consume a day to the sweets. eat lots of fruits and vegetables for protein and to make you feel more full. and don't forget to drink plenty of water too. hope this helps!! =)

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Q: Whats a good diet for a 13 year old who wants to be healthy and fit but at the same time loose a little bit of weight?
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Sometimes.This is because if you do very little exercise, you won't loose that much of weight but if you do alot of exercise, you will loose alot of weight. hope this helps you!!!!!!!@@@@@####$$$$$%%%%%^^^^^&&&&&&&******((((((((((())))____+++++=======]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[''''''''""""""""""::::::;;;;;;;;?????///////>>>>......